Moodle MOOC 4
Start the summer with a Moodle MOOC on WizIQ. The first Moodle MOOCs started in June 2013. The tri-annual Moodle MOOCs take place 3 times a year, in June, October, and February on WizIQ and on Moodle for Teachers Moodle site . Moodle MOOC 4 (MM4) will start on June 1, 2014 (click here to acces the course).
The theme of the current MOOC is collaborative learning, reflective practice, and connecting online for instruction and learning. The MOOC will focus on connecting online for collaborative learning and teaching through Moodle, Second LIfe, Mahara, Google Drive Docs, and Google Apps, Mobile Devices, Virtual Classes, and other online learning environments for face-to-face, blended, and fully online learning. The live presentations will include the speakers’ reflective process on teaching and learning in fully online and blended learning formats.
Moodle MOOC 4 will also include Moodle for Teachers (M4T) courses for beginners and advanced Moodlers. The courses will be asynchronous (Moodle) and synchronous (WizIQ) with recordings available on WizIQ, YouTube, and Vimeo.
Moodle MOOC 4 will also include Moodle for Teachers (M4T) professional development and teacher training courses for beginners and advanced users of Moodle. The courses will be asynchronous (Moodle) and synchronous (WizIQ) with recordings on WizIQ, YouTube, and Vimeo.
Click on the following link to join Moodle MOOC 4 on WizIQ and use the Twitter Hashtag: #moodlemooc4 to share the event with your friends and colleagues.
(Click to acces the following) Syllabus | Live Online Presentations | Moodle Website | WizIQ Course Area | YouTube Playlist
MM4 in EdMedia in Finland
Week 4 of Moodle MOOC 4 will coincide with the EdMedia 2014 conference. The MOOC participants will have a chance to collaborate with the attendees of the EdMedia 2014 M4T workshop run by Drs. Nellie Deutsch and Ludmila Smirnova in Tampere, Finland.
Presenters of MM4
The MOOC will include 28 presenters and 34 live online presentations. Dr. Nellie Deutsch, Ed.D, an educational technologist and expert in using Moodle and WizIQ for blended and fully online learning will moderate and facilitate the Moodle 2.6 courses with Tom Hodgers an experienced WizIQ user and Moodle training teacher. Members of the MOOC will be able to join a beginner and non-beginner course with 2 additional practice areas as teachers and managers of a Moodle course. The Moodle training will take place on Moodle for Teachers Moodle site. The live online presentations will take place on WizIQ. Participants are invited to join the WizIQ course area to get updates, tutorials and content and the live online presentations.
Dr. Deutsch will launch the opening ceremony of MM4 on June 1, 2014. In the first session, participants will learn about the current MOOC, the learning environments, and how to qualify for a certificate. They will learn about the layout of the two Moodle courses for beginners and non-beginners, and how to manage their time on the MOOC. Join the Opening Ceremony on June 1.
Resources, Activities, and Blocks on Moodle
On June 2, Dr. Deutsch will discuss Moodle resources. Participants will learn how to add content to a Moodle course and discuss the challenges and benefits involved in learning online. Participants will learn to create audio and video tutorials and reflect on Moodle resources in Resources on Moodle live online session.
On June 3, members of the MOOC will learn about Activities on Moodle. The presenter will share information about the activities available in a Moodle course and merits and challenges involved in teaching online. Participants will learn how to engage in the teacher practice area (TPA). Participants will learn to create audio and video tutorials and reflect on Moodle activities.
Finally, on June 12, Dr. Nellie Deutsch will deliver a live class on the Blocks on Moodle from the perspective of the administrator of a Moodle site. Participants will learn how to engage in the manager practice area (MPA) so they access the user and course admin areas and learn to be administrators (managers) of a Moodle course.
Dr. Deutsch will also talk about WizIQ Activity on Moodle (click to access the live class) and share her experiences with using WizIQ live online classes in Moodle courses on June 6.
Zaid Alsagoff
Zaid Alsagoff will speak on June 2. Join Zaid in DNA of a 21st Century Educator
During your lifetime you have probably experienced inspirational educators, or witnessed inspiring lectures. But, what about you? Are you such an educator? If not, why not? In this online talk, I will explore some of the ingredients top educators in the 21st century have, and how we can learn from them to reinvent ourselves to reach our true potential as an educator. Are you up for the challenge?
Dr. Cheryl Lentz, D.M
International Best Selling Author, Professor, & Speaker, The Academic Entreprenuer™
Click to join the class: Creating Synergy in the Online Classroom Through Emerging Technologies
Participants will learn to increase the engagement of their students through the use of emerging technologies in the online or in residence classroom. Using techniques as offered in the book: Technology That Tutors: 7 Ways to Use the Blog as Teaching Tool, we will explore the use of blogs, vlogs, videos, animation, Twitter and creating private classrooms in Facebook to “Fish where the Fish are” and bring teaching methods more in tune to serve the needs of the 21st century student. Let Dr. Cheryl Lentz shorten your learning curve to increase the synergy in your classroom through the use of emerging technologies. www.DrCherylLentz.com
Dr. Ebba Ossiannilsson, Ph.D
Ossiannilsson, PhD, is Project Manager at the Centre for Educational Development (CED), and at the Evaluation Office at Lund University (LU), SE. In Dec 2012 she was appointed to take the lead for Lund University to go towards open education, MOOC, OER etc. and to investigate strategic missions on e-learning for Lund University. She work in LERU and U21 for open education.
Click to join the class: Beyond the MOOCs
SInce the MOOCs was launched back in 2008 by George Siemens and Stephen Downes, and the name MOOC coined by Dave Cormier we have seen a lot of development within the areas of MOOCs. In Europe already two eMOOCs Stakeholders Summits have been hold (2013 and 2013) which attracted an international audience. The European Commission emphasizes the development of MOOCs from HEIs and MOOCs are focused in their initiative Opening Up Education to boost innovation and digital skills in schools and universities.
MOOCs have raised increasingly in numbers in Europe, as well as in the rest of the world. We have also been seen new quality and business models for MOOCs.
The session will focus on MOOCs and beyond. What are to be foreseen in the next couple of years
Andreas Molander
Andreas is a dedicated English teacher who loathes marking papers. Endless hours with a pen as his only companion, and desperate sessions where students ignored the comments that he’d wasted his energy on, made him think that there had to be better ways of doing it. The result was LangCorr – short for Language Correction. LangCorr is an organization that takes all the things that Andreas doesn’t like about being a teacher and makes them meaningful, and thus it allows him to do the things he’s passionate about: namely spending time with his students and ensuring that they develop their skills.
Click to join the class: Formative Feedback Strategies and Digital Marking
All language teachers spend endless hours marking papers and more often than not the outcome is at best limited. This presentation will demonstrate how the usage of simple ICT tools can dramatically reduce the hours spent marking and at the same time intensify the learning process. The objective is to allow teachers to use formative feedback and marking strategies in ways that entice students into approaching areas where they may be struggling from different angles.
All course participant will get free access to the program: Language Corrector.
Dr. Janet Salmons, PhD
Janet Salmons has served on the online graduate faculty of the Capella University School of Business since 1999. She is an independent researcher, writer and consultant through www.vision2lead.com. Dr. Salmons’ inquiry into emerging online methods has resulted in development of numerous books, models including the new QualitativeOnline Interviews available from Sage Publications or your favorite bookseller.
Click to join the class: Online Interviews for Active Online Learning
Communications technologies allow us to keep in touch with far-flung friends and family, to work remotely, and to teach and learn online. We probably make different choices for the technology we use when we want to see the new baby across the country, versus when we are trying to finish a report we are writing with a colleague who is in another part of the world. Similarly, when we decide to use online communications technologies for research interviews, we need to make numerous decisions about which mode best supports the goal of the exchange. Then, we need to decide how to go about conducting the interview given that technology– how to create trust, develop rapport, and ask questions that will generate rich answers. Even though we may feel comfortable with our skills to communicate online, doing interviews requires another level of thinking and planning. How do we learn such skills? The availability of online communications tools means we can use e-interviews as experiential learning exercises in classes to achieve curricular goals as well as to develop online research skills.
This session will focus on use of online interviews in a) research methods courses to give students practice in planning and conducting interviews and b) in courses on other topics, where instructors want to bring real-world expertise into the discussion by having students interview practitioners. In either case, they are learning scholarly research skills in addition to course content. Sample exercises will be offered, that you can adapt for your own classes.
Carl Hammond
Mr Hammond started his teaching career in 2008 from within the Virtual World of Second Life being closely monitored by Professor Merryman (an American Professor teaching English in Japan) who encouraged and inspired me to teach as a native speaker of English.
Click to join the class: Education in Virtual Worlds and WizIQ
Carl Hammond will present a summary of how he presents English Study using Virtual Worlds and WizIQ. Mr. Hammond specialises in tutoring learners from around the world whose English is their second language.
Shelly Sanchez Terrell
Shelly is a teacher, instructional technology trainer, and social media consultant, and she currently coordinates The Consultants-E’s social media presence. As the Vice President of Educator Outreach for Parentella, she coordinates and moderates several education panels worldwide at various conferences. She is the co-creator of the award winning educational project, Edchat and collaborates with over 10,000 educators worldwide.
Shelly holds an Honours BA in English and a minor in Communication with a specialization in Electronic Media from the University of Texas in San Antonio and an Honours MA in Curriculum Instruction ESL from the University of Phoenix.
Click to join the class: The Way We Learn: Exploring Current Learning Rituals for Better E-Learning
Daily, millions share the narratives of their lives online. They reblog, remake, communicate through emoticons, and more! We will explore online learning and ideas to get your e-learning to implement these rituals so that your learners make connections and produce their best work.
Janvier Nkurunziza
Lecturer at City of Glasgow College as teacher of French and English
Janvier considers himself a lifelong learner. He is passionate about learning and teaching using blended technologies(computer,mobile,etc) to reach out to the less privileged so we develop a better world through education.
Click to join the class: Can Moodle be used to Educate the Masses in Africa
The presentation aims to inform and persuade stakeholders in Africa so they support instructors by meeting their online basic needs because online instruction cannot be carried out in isolation. The report is based on a piece of research which was carried out from 2010 to 2013 in Rwanda. It will focus on a teacher training institute in Rwanda, Central Africa, where instructors have been trained on how to create, develop, and manage online courses in Moodle.
Liz Walker
I support adults to understand teen sexuality and teens to understand themselves. As a former at-risk teen turned youth advocate, I’ve been featured on National Media and am a regular contributor to self-help outlets.
It’s virtually impossible to raise kids without them absorbing messages that are underpinned by a pornified culture. After years working with young people and helping teachers and parents address healthy sexuality and risk behaviours, I have incredible insight into what conversations are needed with teens.
I wear many hats! I am a wife, mum, sex educator, teen life coach, presenter, Managing Director of Youth Wellbeing Project and member of Inspiring Australia. You’ll discover I bring inspirational and timely insight into raising teens with a positive attitude towards their bodies and peers, and offer strategic tips for healthy sexual development.
My presentations incorporate a balance of motivation, international research and personal insight to provide real strategies to address the influences on teen behaviour and sexual decision-making. Presenting within a whole-person centred sexuality model, I’m committed to instilling confidence and value in young people and the ones who support them.
With a wide range of keynote topics and workshop presentations to choose from, hosting me at your public or private school, church or community group will inspire people to positive change. Connect with me today to learn the essential techniques for engaging with our youth, especially about the subjects that can no longer be swept under the carpet!
Liz Walker is an accredited Sex Educator ★ Professional Speaker ★ International Authority on Youth Sexuality
Click to join the class: Educating young people to deal with pressures
The world in which young people are raised is so vastly different to other generations. They face a wallpaper of sexualised images and cultural messages, demanding them to grow up fast. This can have a huge impact on self-worth, relationship expectations, respect, consent, negotiation, life choices and overall well being. If you work or live with young people, join with sexologist Liz Walker to unpack strategies that assist teens to think about their choices, deconstruct the messages of porn and respond to pressure.
George Joeckel III
Product Development Manager at the Center for Innovative Design and Instruction at Utah State University
Click to join the class: Using Salsa to create a syllabus for higher ed Moodle courses
Styled & Accessible Learning Service Agreements are the next-generation of the higher education syllabus: http://salsa.usu.edu/
In this session Participants will: Explore an open source web application developed at Utah State University, Discover the how research-based best practices are embedded in the tool, and Understand how to publish ADA-compliant HTML syllabi for use in Moodle
Dr. Maria Droujkova, Ph.D
Maria Droujkova is a mathematics education researcher interested in early algebra, multiplicative reasoning and communities of practice. Maria has BS in Mathematics from Moscow State University (1994), MS in Applied Mathematics from Tulane University (1997) and PhD in Mathematics Education from North Carolina State University (2004). The topic of the doctoral dissertation was, “Roles of metaphor in the growth of mathematical understanding.” Since the early nineties, Maria has been organizing mathematical communities, teaching workshops and classes, consulting for universities and businesses, and presenting her research at national and international conferences. Maria loves to share her love of Scratch with members of her Math Clubs.
Website: http://scratch.mit.edu/users/NaturalMath
Click to join the class: 5-year-olds can learn calculus – if online communities help their grown-ups
Natural Math is an adventurous network of parents, teachers, and math circle leaders. We are helping kids make math their own, to make their own math. One of the main directions of development: making subjects such as algebra and calculus accessible to young children with embodied design and playful activities.
Dr. Christina Nicole Giannikas, Ph.D
Christina N. Giannikas is a Research Fellow at the Cyprus University of Technology since March 2013. She is a reviewer for the Canadian Journal of Education and Learning and a committee member of IATEFL YLTSIG.
She completed her BA in English Literature and Linguistics at the University of Hertfordshire. She then continued her postgraduate studies at London Metropolitan University where she acquired an MA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) with merit (dissertation with distinction). She then completed a training course for language teachers at the International House of London and received a Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA). At London Metropolitan University she completed her PhD studies in Applied Linguistics, specifically in Early Language Learning within a Greek Regional Context. Recently, she completed a course and received a certificate in Online Teacher Training at the International House (OTTI).
She has taught General and Academic English to adults at the Cambridge School of English and at LSI Hampstead in London. At the ICS primary school, where students from all over the world attended, Christina N. Giannikas taught all subjects in English and was responsible for learners aged 8-10. She was a seminar tutor and guest lecturer for the Applied Linguistics Department at London Metropolitan University and an assistant researcher for the ELLiE project (Early Language Learning in Europe) which was funded by the European Union and the British Council. Christina N. Giannikas was also an academic examiner for Longman & Pearson. In Greece, she worked at a private language school where she was responsible for the teaching staff and the pre-junior classes. She taught English to primary, secondary and University students of all language levels.
Click to join the class: Professional Development in CALL-Where are we and where are we going?
The revolution of ICT has brought about many changes in education worldwide. Nonetheless, many issues have been raised regarding pre- and in-service teacher training in language education and teachers’ reluctance to integrate technology in their language classes. Based on a study conducted in Cyprus and a global literature review, efforts must be made for teachers to gain the confidence and knowledge to apply new technologies in their practice.
Dr. Anita Zijdemans Boudreau, Ph.D
Anita Zijdemans-Boudreau is Associate Professor of Education; Advanced Programs & Flex Program Coordinator (Forest Grove)
Dr. Zijdemans Boudreau completed her doctoral studies at OISE-University of Toronto, Canada specializing in applied cognitive science, learning technologies, and human development. Since 1995, she has been involved in teacher education – teaching courses such as Human Development & Applied Psychology, Educational Technology, & Educational Research – and has worked as a consultant providing professional development in technology integration. Her research areas include: eLearning, Virtual Learning Space Design, Knowledge Management, Knowledge Media, Learning Communities, & Culturally Responsive Practice.
Website: http://sites.google.com/site/anitazboudreau/
Click to join the class: Openness in Learning, Teaching, and Instructional Design
Open education today can be described as iterations of social and technological innovations that reduce barriers to access, and create multiple opportunities for educational practice. This session will: a) review how the historical origins of openness have played out in the current technological context in terms of learning, teaching, content development, and the design of online environments; and b) consider ways in which educators in traditional institutional settings can think about exploring openness in their own practice as a response to the significant global shifts occurring outside of the academy.
Brenda Mallinson
Brenda Mallinson is the Programme Specialist Learning Technologies, at Saide in Johannesburg. She is currently involved in a number of Educational Technology projects at HEIs across sub-Saharan Africa, including the extensive PHEA ETI, and the AgShare OER project. Her work encompasses research, strategy and practice in the area of Learning Technologies.
Brenda is also a Research Associate in the Department of Information Systems, Rhodes University (RU), South Africa, having lectured there for nine years, prior to which she ran the Computer Based Education Unit at Rhodes for 5 years. While at RU, Brenda established and led a research group in Advanced Learning Technologies, as well as designing and implementing a post-graduate coursework module in ALT for IS and CS honours students, both at RU and University of Fort Hare.
Click to join the class: Exploring Online and Blended Modes of delivery in the African context
In line with international trends, the variety and blend of modes of education provision or delivery in higher education in Africa has expanded rapidly. However, in order to maintaining a pragmatic approach within the given context, and preserve the integrity of the teaching and learning environment, factors influencing the choice and extent of the blend should be identified and explored. With this in mind, consideration needs to be given not only to the extent of spatial or temporal separation of teacher and learner, but also the extent to which digital technology could or should be used to support teaching and learning in a course or programme. Balancing the tension between identified influencing factors would inform the design of a teaching and learning intervention. We could ask ourselves the question: Are MOOCs in their current form an appropriate mode for learners within the sub-Saharan Africa context?
Lenandlar Singh
Lecturer of Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, University of Guyana
Click to join the class: Exploring Facebook Group for Learning
This presentation will explore the use of Facebook Groups for facilitating learning. Specifically, this presentation will take participants through the process of setting up a Facebook Group. In particular, participants will explore the features of Facebook Group and identify pedagogical benefits to be derived from their use. Design and other issues associated with the use of Facebook Groups are also explored.
Dr. Ludmila Smirnova, Ph.D
Master’s in teaching foreign languages, Volgograd State Pedagogical University, Russia
Doctor of Philosophy in the theory and practice of education, Academy of Pedagogical Science, Moscow
Professor Ludmila Smirnova has been at the Mount for the past 12 years. She has taught courses in Curricular Planning, Methods of Teaching, Nature of Schools, and Society and Teaching with Technology. She has become increasingly recognized for her leadership in the application of emerging Internet technologies to instruction.
Click to join the class: The Value and Process of Creating Collaborative Learning Communities in Technology-enhanced Teacher-training Courses
The presenter will analyze and share the experience of building a collaborative community of learners (future teachers) and how resistance to cooperation in the beginning of the course turns into understanding and respect to professional collaboration.
Vicki Hollett
English language teacher, trainer, writer and video producer at Simple English Videos.
Freelance Business English Course Designer, Writer, Video Producer, Consultant, Presenter, Teacher, Teacher Trainer and Syllabus Designer
Author of many professional English courses for Oxford University Press and Pearson Longman
Experienced presenter on professional English and cross cultural issues
Click to join the class: Making videos for the blended and flipped classroom
Are you thinking of making instructional videos that your students can watch out of class? Vicki will be sharing ideas and technical tips to make your videos more professional and engaging. So stand by and let’s get the cameras rolling!
Joel Josephson
Joel was a speaker at Tedx event on education on, ‘The Creative Classroom’ and a partner in 25 European Union funded educational projects that are creating resources that can be used globally.
His expertise is in innovating in education through creative ideas that use the arts and music and integrate technology, to teach any subject.
Click to join the class: Video in language learning with European projects
Today is the video age, with many possibilities for integrating video in to language learning. Language learning is a multisensory process and video allows communicative learning skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing, with one resource.
The European funded Video for ALL project is building the ultimate repository of ideas and best practices of how video can be used in language learning, with the aim of making video a basic tool for language learning. We will also look at the PopuLLar project a very successful completed EU project that used, video, and music for language learning and motivation.
Justin Hunt
Justin Hunt is a high school English teacher in Japan and the developer of the popular PoodLL set of plugins for Moodle. He has a unique insight into educational software having also worked professionally as a software developer and IT support staff. He lives in Nagasaki with his wife and three children and trains for marathons when he can.
Click to join the class: Using PoodLL to Make Students Talk
PoodLL is a set of plugins for Moodle that provide audio/video recording, whiteboards, timers and other cool stuff. In the foreign language classroom, one of the goals is to improve student speaking ability and give them opportunities to communicate in the target language. In this presentation activities to promote
inter-student communication, using the PoodLL set of add-ons for Moodle, will be introduced. The presenter is the developer of the PoodLL plugins.
Rosmery Ribera Ferrier
CBA Santa Cruz, Bolivia
I work as an English teacher at the Centro Boliviano Americano in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
I live in Santa Cruz Bolivia in South America. I have been teaching English as a second language for about 5 years now. I enjoy teaching because I learn a lot in the process. I teach teens and adults, from true beginners to advanced levels. I am a grammar enthusiast. I usually study hard-at least 2 hours a day- before teaching a new grammar point. I try to change my teaching materials and style very often so students do not get bored.
I am still a student at the Universidad Evangelica Boliviana. I will graduate from my English career this year. I have graduated from the online University of Oregon with two degrees: Webskills and Introduction to TESOL Methods. I have just finished a course with Shaping the Way We Teach English named: The Landscape of English Language Teaching.
I believe in service; He who was not born to serve, does not deserve to live. I believe in learning as a way of living and teaching as a way of giving back to our community.
Click to join the class: Online Lesson Plan Pool
Lesson planning is utterly important. An Online Lesson Plan Pool will allow teachers to build a sharing community since it provides a way to both, create and download ready to go lesson plans.
Jason R. Levine
Ambassador and Knowledge Entertainer at WizIQ
Teach, train, and develop materials and curriculum in the U.S. and overseas for WizIQ, Oxford University Press, the U.S. Department of State, and other institutions and programs.
Creator of ELT Techniques, the first MOOC for continuing professional development in English language teaching.
Click to join the class: Teachers Teaching Online: Building a MOOC in WizIQ
The presenter will share his experiences creating and running a MOOC to showcase teachers’ online teaching skills.
EdMedia 2014 (Finland) Drs Ludmila Smirnova and Nellie Deutsch
Click to join the class: Sharing EdMedia experience
Click to join the class: Workshop “Let’s Moodle!”
Drs Nellie Deutsch and Ludmila Smirnova will be conducting a workshop on Moodle 2.6 called “Let’s Moodle” at the EdMedia live conference in Tampere, Finland. You’re invited to join them and others. The two met in a WizIQ chat box in 2008. They have been presenting online and at face-to-face conferences since 2009. They also collaborate on books and give online courses on Moodle and WizIQ. WizIQ offers teachers a platform to teach and to connect with educators from around the globe. We are no longer limited to space or time when it comes to learning and interacting with students.
Best Practice on Using wizIQ to Organize MOOCs
EdMedia 2014 (Finland) with Drs Nellie Deutsch and Ludmila Smirnova
Click to join the class: Addressing Contextual Adaptation in the Dissemination of Online Technologies: Using Moodle and WizIQ for Professional Development Training – Paper Presentation
Click to join the class: Addressing Contextual Adaptation in the Dissemination of Online Technologies: Using Moodle and WizIQ for Professional Development Training
With the popularity of online learning comes the need for effective facilitation and learning. The current presentation distinguishes between dissemination of new online technologies and the preparation required to adapt the technology into professional contexts. The two are very different learning tasks and the achievement of both is necessary for implementation to succeed. The focus of this proposal is on the dissemination of the course/learning management e-learning system “Moodle” through the virtual sessions in a variety of formats (webinars, MOOCS, virtual conferences) that additionally adjust the pedagogical perspectives of educators to empower learners. The proposal outlines: (a) the nature of online facilitation, (b) collaborative writing and moderation, (c) the process of developing and sustaining community of practice, (d) teaching a large and diverse audience online (e) the challenges faced in co-facilitation in a variety of online training contexts (workshops, MOOCs, virtual conferences), (f) solutions found, and (g) lessons learned.
EdMedia 2014 (Finland) Lindsay Bordonaro
My name is Lindsay Bordonaro, and I was awarded an opportunity to work with my professor, Dr. Ludmila Smirnova in the Mount Saint Mary SURE program. You’re probably wondering what the SURE program is and what it consists of. SURE stands for Student Undergraduate Summer Research. I will be conducting research specifically in the area of iPadagogy. iPadagogy is the expanding use of iPads in the classroom. I will have several teachers from several school districts take my survey. Once the teachers have completed the survey, I can see how many teachers use Web 2.0 and iPads in the classroom. If a teacher is against the use of Web 2.0 or iPads in the classroom, I would like the opportunity to interview that teacher and see what other concepts they are using instead. My project will last for the entire month of June, and then in the fall of 2013 I will present at the SURE symposium.
Click to join the class: Exploring the Use of iPads for Engaged Learning in the Elementary Classroom: A Survey of Teachers
Research demonstrates that well-integrated technology has a positive impact on student learning outcomes. The effect is even more pronounced with the use of iPads in the classroom. As a result, more and more schools choose to purchase iPads instead of computers and/or textbooks. This recent change raises some significant questions: Are teachers ready to embrace the iPad and integrate it effectively in their classrooms? What applications are the most useful and effective in teaching different subjects? Are there advantages of iPads over textbooks and other types of technology; if so, what are they? These and other questions were the focus of a project to collect data on the use of iPads in local school districts and to identify what applications are the most effective and helpful in teaching and learning. The results of the research will be shared and discussed.
Norbert Boruett
medical educationist at Distance Learning Manager-FUNZOkenya
Norbert Boruett is a Kenyan Medical Educational consultant and coach to Health professional educators who want to facilitate blended learning classes and integrate technology into the curriculum of paramedic and medical students. Norbert has a Masters degree in medical education in curriculum instructional material development, student assessment, teaching and learning, Research and student support from the University of Dundee in 2000. Norbert is an experienced facilitator to Medical Teachers who try out innovative approaches to teaching and learning. For over 10 years he was the local leader to a Belgium organization (VVOB) that was funding innovative medical to Kenyan colleges, and a number of African. The innovation involved the introduction of the Skillslab Methodology, improved teaching and learning approaches ie student centered learning, curriculum review, new assessment approaches. Norbert was instrumental in introducing computer assisted learning that evolved to e learning via Moodle. Norbert is a alumni of Inwent University where he has a postgraduate certificate in e learning. Norbert is administrator, coordinator and facilitator with a team of teachers in KMTC in managing the KMTC Moodle site. For continued professional de(IT4ALL) professional development non-profit organization. Norbert also mentors and provides advice on using Moodle for Teachers (M4T), creating WebQuests, teaching in a virtual class such as WiZiQ, using WikiEducator & applying Web 2.0 tools for instruction and learning.
Click to join the class: Transforming Health Worker Training at Masinde Muliro University Using a Blended Approach via Moodle
The Presenter will share an experience of using Moodle with adult health workers taking higher education-a blended approach. It demonstrates that Moodle is power LMS that supports the concept of BYOD.
Dr. Jackie Gerstein, Ed.D.
Jackie Gerstein (Ed.D) is a lifelong learner with a passion for all aspects of authentic education. She has an Ed.D., a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction, a graduate certificate in Gifted Education, and is working on another Masters degree – this one in Technology in Education. She teaches gifted elementary students (or they teach her) and online Masters in Education courses.
Click to join the class: Building Community in Online and Blending Learning Environments
See Slidedeck – http://www.slideshare.net/jgerst1111/building-community-in-online-learning-classes for an overview of this presentation.
Sylvia Guinan
Sylvia Guinan is an Irish woman living on a beautiful Greek island with my Greek husband and four children, including twins, aged between nine and four. She has been teaching ESL/English for fifteen years, with experience in primary , secondary schools, language, and literacy institutes in Ireland, though the majority of her experience has been in Greece.
She studied English literature and History in University before going on to take the Higher Diploma in Education, which is the teaching qualification in Ireland. After moving abroad, circumstances led her into the ESL field, which has entailed continuous professional development and opened up new interests and opportunities.
Click to join the session: tHow To Manage Your Courses With a Simply Beautiful Visual Library
We want course management to be simple and inspiring. Sylvia will present ideas for creative, seamless, fun engagement online through an exciting multi-media management tool that you can embed anywhere.
Letizia Cinganotto and Daniela Cuccurullo
Letizia Cinganotto is a teacher of English, teacher trainer and author of digital contents. At present, she is working at the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, dealing with issues relating to the Upper Secondary School Reform, with particular focus on foreign languages and CLIL methodology. She has presented papers at national and international conferences.
Daniela Cuccurullo is a contract Professor of English language at the University of Naples and Secondary School teacher of English, teacher trainer, e-tutor, forum moderator and author of digital contents. Engaged in research on teaching English as a second language through multimedia and CALL/MALL/MALU, she is the author of essays on didactics and English literature, reviews and translations.
Click to join the class: Moodle for CLIL EVO (Electronic Village Online)
EVO, Electronic Village Online, is an international community promoted by Tesol International, offering virtual workshops on different topics, addressed to teachers from all over the world.
This session deals with EVO CLIL 2014, one of EVO sessions devoted to CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), the teaching/learning of curricular subjects in a foreign language, that is becoming more and more common not only in Europe (according to specific Recommendations from the European Commission), but all over the globe. The five-week-training was planned and implemented on a Moodle platform, with lots of different asynchronous activities and webinars with international experts, with each speaker moderating a follow-up discussion in the forum.
The session will describe the main features of EVO CLIL 2014, mentioning some examples of good practices relating to the implementation of CLIL methodology, combining teaching strategies and technical tools.
Moodle MOOC 5
Participant will about Moodle MOOC 5 in the Closing Ceremony of Moodle MOOC 4. The presenter will summarize, reflect, and discuss Moodle MOOC 5 in October, 2014.