Passionate about Learning
I organize free online courses, live online classes, and MOOCs because I love to learn. Yes, I love the energy that is generated when my students and I learn together. My students and I are partners in learning. We learn with and from each other.
Why I Became a Teacher
I became a teacher because I enjoy connecting with people. I devote most of my waking hours learning how to make learning fun and engaging for students. I have spent over 35 years learning about each and every one of my students. My philosophy of education is based on a belief that we are unique and entitled to individualized attention from our parents, teachers, and peers. Technology and teaching online allows me to reach my students and cater to their unique ways of learning. My motivation consists of 3 Bs:
- Be kind
- Be specific
- Be helpful.
Technology for Instruction and Learning
I learn by trial and error. Technology is no different. I have tried many tech programs to reach my students. One such program is WizIQ.
Going Beyond the Physical Class
I began using WizIQ in 2007 because I wanted to go beyond my local school, city, and country. I wanted to reach students that I couldn’t reach face-to-face. I didn’t want to be limited by time and space. As it turns out I have been able to reach over 100,000 learners since I began teaching on WizIQ.
Online Courses or MOOCs
The interest in using technology for instruction and learning has been on the rise for a number of years. Online education has been around for decades at many universities. For-profit institutions such as the University of Phoenix started their distance education programs as in the late 70s. Today, the the competition is strong among universities who provide blended and fully online degree programs.
Technology is Facilitating Learning
Distance education and online learning was never quite accepted by the academia. However, the ease of learning any time and anywhere was appealing to adult learners who could work, raise a family, and study at the same time. As online schools gained popularity, the elitist institutions of higher education began to consider blended learning as a way to attract more students.
The initiative wasn’t received well with many faculty members, who rejected the idea because it would force them to reorganize their courses and put away their old notebooks. And then something sparked the interest of computer programers. Young innovators saw an opportunity and came to the rescue by creating platforms for Massive Open Online Courses or MOOCs, so that universities could invite thousands of participants for free with the hope that they would eventually enroll in their traditional degree programs.
MOOCs Everywhere
MOOCs began in Canada with George Siemens and Stephen Downes in 2008. They later gained popularity in the U.S. and the rest of the world only after Stanford University professor Sebastian Thrun gave a free online course in Artificial Intelligence. Participants enrolled in numbers that had been unheard of for an online course. The elitist university MOOCs brought huge interest because of Stanford, Harvard and MIT. Thousands of students enrolled from around the world.
Massive Open Online Courses
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) began with the idea of connecting for learning via personal learning environments (PLEs) using blogs, wikis, google groups, and Moodle. According to Wikipedia, the term MOOC is said to have started in 2008 by Dave Cormier and Bryan Alexander “in response to an open online course designed and lead by George Siemens and Stephen Downes” (wikipedia).
Connectivsm is about connecting with people. Going fully online is a great idea, but where is the live face-to-face online interactions in these new MOOCs that the elite universities are offering via Coursera? It would be great if they could add a live online class such as WizIQ. Learning requires love and a “you matter attitude” that you can only get when you see and hear people in a conversation.
WizIQ and Connectivism
I use WizIQ education online because the system allows me to connect with my students in the live online classes, in the course feed discussions, and with the content. I can connect with students and other teachers in the chatbox and start collaborating. I have made hundreds of new friends that I am in touch with on a regular basis for learning and collaborating on books, articles, research, and on courses. Teaching online on WizIQ has helped me connect and engage in meaningful ways for professional developement that I never thought possible.
Free Online Courses
I started giving free online courses in the early 1990s using emails. In 2003, I started using Moodle course management system. One year later, I began creating WebQuests and connecting with educators worldwide using Moodle and Elluminate. In 2007, I began using Wikieducator and WizIQ live online classes. I began the first massive online course on Wikieducator with WizIQ. I had a massive course of over 250 participants from over 80 counties. It was not called a MOOC until a year later.
Connecting for Instruction and Learning
In February of 2009, I began connecting online for instruction and learning as a response to the first online MOOC of 2008. Connecting Online for Instruction and learning was the first Massive online conference held on WizIQ with 1000s enjoying free learning. This year, we celebrated the 5th annual CO14.
WizIQ for MOOCs
WizIQ provides me with the freedom to teach online. WizIQ equips me with the tools I need to engage and cater to my students’ needs. I chose WizIQ to conduct all of my Massive Open Online Courses or MOOCs. I now organize 3 Moodle MOOCs (June, October, February), a Healthy and Sustainable Living MOOC (September), a Second Life MOOC (April), and help others set up their MOOCs on WizIQ. I also give MOOC like Festivals 4 times a year called the Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall Festivals and 2 massive online conferences called CO09-CO15 (February) and MMVC11-MMVC14 (August). In addition, I conduct weekly massive online classes (all year round).
Anyone Can Teach Online
Today, anyone can teach online. You do not need to be an accredited organization or an individual with a degree to teach online. All the information you require is online. You can learn and teach any topic that interests you and/or others. You can set up a blog, wiki, a page on Facebook, a group on LinkedIn, a curation page on Scoopit, a Pinterest list, and a Youtube channel and share information.
WizIQ Helps Set Up Your MOOC
WizIQ not only provides free technical support for teachers and learners, it helps teachers set up their MOOCs and courses. The team of designers at WizIQ help you set up your MOOC so it looks appealing. They help you ensure that the MOOC is easy for the participant to follow and the teacher to manage.
Rating Pays the Bill
Marketing is key to making money online. Ratings and getting liked is very important. Popularity brings sponsors who pay the bills. WizIQ helps market your courses.
WizIQ Markets Your Courses
The team at WizIQ also help teachers teach and cater to the teacher and the learner’s needs. Finally, WizIQ help teachers market the MOOCs and courses in social networks and in online journals. The WizIQ teaching and marketing system is set up to help members make money teaching online.
Join My MOOCs and Courses
I would love to learn about your teaching and organizational needs so I can help. You’re invited to join the free online MOOCs, courses and classes I give on my organization account called IT4ALL. You are also invited to join the free and paid courses I give on my individual account as Dr. Nellie Deutsch. Everyone has a link they can share on WizIQ. I’d like to share my work with you.