Latest on Blended Learning
What’s happening in blended learning in higher education around the world? Are universities demanding it? Are instructors using it?
Doctoral Study
I conducted a study on instructor experiences in implementing technology in blended learning courses in higher education in 2009. The results of my study are available on ProQuest and in online book stores such as Amazon. I have taught both face-to-face, fully online, and in various blended learning formats both in higher education and high school for many years.
Does Blended Learning Work?
Blended Learning (BL) can potentially lower university costs and transform the way teachers teach and students learn (Deutsch, 2010). But does it? According to a research study on “a partial economic evaluation of blended learning in teaching health research methods: a three-university collaboration in South Africa, Sweden, and Uganda” published by Glob Health Action in October 2016, the costs appear to be higher. Another study published by J Med Internet Res in July 2015 indicates that under certain conditions BL can be cost effective.
Ongoing Questions
- Has technology changed? Yes.
- Have teachers changed? Yes.
- Has the use of technology in the classroom changed? Yes.
- Has blended learning changed? Yes.
- Are more teachers using blended learning? Maybe.
- Does blended learning work? Maybe.
- Do face-to-face learning environments work? Sometimes.
- Do fully online courses work? Sometimes.
No Recipes for Learning
When it comes to learning, nothing appears to be conclusive. Teachers and learners are unique. There is no one fit all recipes when it comes to learning programs. What works for one, may not for another, unless they collaborate and learn what attitudes and beliefs are required to make things work.
I recommend implementing blended learning with teachers who believe it works.