You’re invited to join the 10th annual Free MoodleMoot Virtual Conference (MMVC21) from August 6-8, 2021. Click to join The purpose of the conference is for educators to engage in learning best practices and challenges involved in teaching and learning face-to-face and online (blended and fully online learning) using Moodle and other technologies. The theme of MMVC20 is teaching and learning with and without technology. Enrol to get access to the live sessions, content before and after the conference, your badges and final certificate for reflecting and presenting.
Learning is about taking chances and discovering new avenues. In this case, it’s all online discoveries. Please note, blue indicates a link. Moodle has links that can be viewed and copied from your browser window. Please click on anything that’s blue. It will move you forward.
I’d like to invite you to a weekend of professional development on the platform. You can get access to the live sessions of days 1-3 (August 6-8), the content, and discussion forums before and after the conference. Your badges and final certificates for reflecting and presenting will be accessible once you complete the task requirements.
Please access the following topic sections (tabs) and use the support forums available under each topic section for questions, comments, and suggestions.
- Overview and Layout
- Getting Acquainted
- Day 1: ZOOM Meetings
- Day 2: ZOOM Meetings
- Day 3: ZOOM Meetings
- Certificate of Completion
- Certificate for Presenting
If for any reason, you cannot access the ZOOM meetings from this platform, please use the following Google docs:
Please watch the following video to gain a better understanding of what questions to ask. The live event with Dr. Bob Diotalevi with be very interactive.
Join the discussion for
Dialogic Innovation and Learning SystemZoom meeting
I’m looking forward to learning with and from you.
Feel free to spread the word about MMVC21.
Thank you for joining and making the 10th anniversary of MMVC21 special.
Warm wishes,